Standard Operating Procedure

2 min readSep 25, 2020


The organizational goals are in three areas, specifically survival, growth, and expansion. The sustainability of a business requires a standard operation method. Do you agree that having standards and organized structure enhances the productivity and sustainability of a business? One of the most appropriate ways is to include a Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) in your business. What does SOP mean? The standard operating procedure is the step by step instructions listed by the organization for carrying out the complex tasks for employees.

SOP aims to achieve quality output, efficient productivity, and performance management without communication barriers and a lack of regulations fulfillment.

How does Standard Operating Process help in organization sustainability?

· SOP creates efficiency and enhances productivity.

· It boosts the quality of product.

· It prevents miscommunication and personal barriers.

· It prevents overlapping of work.

· It makes sure that the output is not compromised.

· It reduces errors.

· It maintains a healthy and professional work environment.

· It gives guidance to solve problems.

· It adds value to the organization.

Therefore, to ensure the quality production and maintenance of the work environment SOPs are suggested.

How a leader must write an appropriate SOP to ensure the growth of an organization?

To help these are some tips;

  1. To begin, create a report for the tasks done by employees. This will help you to create an idea of the duties that you need SOP for.

2. Now take the step to craft a format for standard operating procedures. A format is necessary to have the design of the process and how it will be presented to the employees.

3. Study your employees. Consult them with the tasks they do and their performances. It is required to analyze them as the SOP is included to enhance their productivity.

4. To write the process you need to list all the things SOP is required for. Create a procedure with guidance and objectives. It should be précised and easy to understand. It should be practically applicable and effective. Look for suggestions and ideas.

5. At last, maintain the procedure and ask for the feedback. Analyze the performance and the application. If any changes are required, add on or to remove something, consider it.

An appropriate Standard Operating Procedure not only tells your employees what they have to do or how they have the required work is done, instead it tells them why doing a task in a particular way enhances the efficiency.

Therefore, having a Standard Operating Procedure directs your employees with how and why they need to have a particular approach for the work. It increases your business stability and amplifies growth.




Written by LEANAFY

LEANAFY is a warehouse management software designed to cater to small-to-medium-sized enterprises. We are powerful, yet easy to manage, and fully customizable!

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